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1.5 - Layout of environment

Decoration and Furniture

Once the model is well positioned within your plan or project and has a high-quality appearance, all that remains is to decorate of the environment remains. For this you can use a predefined set of Decorations and Furnishings. These can be found within the Content Browser and works, like many functions within Innobrix, on a drag-and-drop basis.

Keep in mind that decorations can impact the load time of your project. Not so much the quantity of decorations, but rather the number of different types of decorations that can have an impact here. The more different decorations, the longer the load time.

Module 1: Introduction!
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Convenient controls

Of course, it is not always practical to drag decorative elements into the environment one by one. For this we have developed two handy functions and hotkeys that can speed up this process.


Hold HOLDCTRL while selecting (multiple) objects and then hit CTRL + G to put these objects into a Group, so that you can easily (re)select these objects in one click.
Ungrouping can be done by selecting a Group and then hitting CTRL + SHIFT + G.

Duplicating and copying

You can select an object in the environment and then use CTRL + D to make a copy. Depending on your currently selected objects, you can thus copy multiple objects (or groups) at the same time.


Decorate your plan or project by dragging objects from the Decorations tab into the 3D environment.

Enter Home Properties

Module 1: Introduction!
Welcome to the Innobrix Academy!

In addition to formatting the environment through decorative elements, it is also desirable (and beautiful) to provide your Home also be neatly provided with all kinds of properties such as Name, Status, Description and many more. All these properties affect how the Home is presented in the Innobrix Viewer.


Click on the Home in the 3D environment of the Plan-Editor and fill in the appropriate properties, as much as possible.