📄️ Lead generation
What is the lead generation functionality?
📄️ Google Tracking Code
The use of GTM tags in Innobrix.
📄️ Innobrix API
The API-endpoints that Innobrix currently supports.
📄️ Virtual Reality (VR)
The use of VR in Innobrix.
📄️ Embedding the configurator
How can you embed the configurator in a website?
📄️ Credits & Slots
How do credits & slots work?
📄️ Optimize
Optimizing your project is an important factor in visitor accessibility. If a project does not load quickly, or quickly enough, visitors to your project may drop out and leave the website. If a project or plan is not running or loading smoothly, there is often no single culprit, but rather an accumulation of factors contributing to performance. Below are some factors that are often related to the accessibility of your project or plan.