Embedding the configurator
Embedding the configurator in a website
To place your Innobrix project within your own (project) website, you use an HTML iframe
or embed
A website builder has the most experience in placing these types of elements and implementing them.
Depending on the URL used, you can choose to embed a link to the whole neighbourhood
or, alternatively, a
deeplink to a specific building number or plot within that project.
Because there is a time limit on the validity of a short-url, it is not recommended to use short-url to embed your projects. your projects
For the website administrator
- Create a CNAME record in your DNS with the following data:
- innobrix.
- innobrix.
- Use the full width of the page, this will show off the configurator best.
- Choose a maximum height of 900 px, this relates well to the most common monitor resolutions (vertical 1080 px). Because of the web window tabs, address bar, header, footer, etc., about 900 px remains in height.
Example URL of a complete district or plan
The domainnameofYourWebsite section should be replaced with the domain in which your project is embedded.
Example URL of a single property
The domainnameofYourWebsite section should be replaced with the domain in which your project is embedded. Also note that the URL of a property within a project is one layer 'deeper' than the link above in which a complete plan can be embedded.
Example code snippet
<div style="height: 800px;"><embed style="padding: 0;margin: 0" src="https://innobrix.domeinnaamVanUwWebsite.nl/view/innobrix-showcase/demo-wijk-(2023)/f2059667-255d-4015-ba9b-aa0582f6c499"></embed></div>
Although it is still possible to embed, for example, the original URLs starting with https://studio.innobrix
, for
Safari users problems viewing the configurator due to Apple's domain policy.